Python Test Website

Putting exam proctors and graders out of business!

The purpose

This project was created as the CS 490 Capstone project as part of my CS cirriculum at NJIT. I, along with two other team members, built this website from the ground up with the goal of being a way for professors to easily create exams that students can take.

What's so cool about this?

This project has many functionalities. On the professor end, a professor could sign up and create an exam for students to take, add questions to the bank of available questions, and give students feedback on the tests that they have taken. Students can take the exams that the professors create for them; these exams are graded automatically on the spot by putting it through an automatic python interpreter, which then stores the results in a database. I personally created the Front-End of this project. This is interesting because it was done entirely from scratch using only pure HTML, CSS, Javascript, and a little bit of PHP.

Check it out on Github!